Why am I doing this site?

 · 1 min read
 · Oriol Fabregas
Last updated: April 01, 2023

TL;DR: Why not? ☺️

Blog posting is common nowadays. Everyone writes about their implementation of technology.

More often than not, there are already hundreds of posts about the same thing, with the same steps and outcomes. Why should I write yet another one?

But then I thought:

If there are millions of recipes about how to cook Paella, why shouldn't I write my own?

I have always been pretty bad at self-promotion. Sure, I've done several pieces of training and workshops at work, but I've never thought that I had something interesting enough to share. Some brilliant people have already published either a video, blog or course that explains it better than me.

The fact that senior people are less impressed, a lot of topics might be still relevant for them and possibly for the less experienced ones.

But what is the experience? How do you measure if something is easy or difficult? I am sure that you have been asked in an interview at least once this question:

Tell me something very difficult that you did and explain to me how you overcame it.

Hard to answer. If I explain to you something that was difficult for me, but now it is not anymore, how do I know it was difficult enough to impress you?

This site might be another Paella recipe, but it's my recipe.